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[English diary]I went to hold a candlelight vigil

hold a candlelight vigil. 

I went to hold a candlelight vigil a little while ago. 

It started at 5 pm. 

I arrived at 10 after 5. 

but There was not so many people. 

It is about hundreds of people. 

Then on around 6 pm thousands of people went in holding a candlelight vigil.

cause in 관통로 jeonju city It is not so many like in 광화문 candlelight vigil. 

The crowd broke into chants of 'put 박근혜 in prison, put 이재용 in prison', 'prolong special prosecutor', 'impeach 박근혜 in February' sitting and standing there. 

Then, We walked along the road that leaded by leader and sincerely cried out '박근혜 out in February', 'prolong special prosecutor', 'impeach 박근혜' at the top our voice for 30 minutes. 

On about 8 pm We stopped holding a candlelight vigil. 

I was happy and thankful to hold a candlelight vigil, praying to be realized, feeling coming true before long. 

This is second English diary in these day. 

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